Vectors is a public intellectual project created by the Shaninka community. Each year, we host an International Academic Conference for students, graduate students, faculty members, and independent researchers, focusing on pressing issues in the social sciences and humanities.

Vectors seeks to rethink traditional formats of interaction between students and experts, strengthening the professional identity of young researchers. Guided by the values of equal discussion, cross-disciplinary dialogue, and openness to alternative perspectives, we create a space for horizontal academic communication, making classical academia more receptive to new knowledge and practices. Our goal is to foster a form of science that not only envisions the future but actively shapes it.
Our principles
  • Openness
    In global academia, the term “young scholar” does not exist—academic communication is always conducted on equal terms. We use the phrase “youth conference” only to emphasize the horizontal nature of interactions and to acknowledge tradition, rather than as a limitation or an indication of the level of work.
  • Horizontal Communication
    The core value of researcher gatherings in a conference format is multifaceted and engaged peer feedback. Therefore, we encourage open, professional, and ethical academic discussions and strive to create the conditions that make them possible.
  • Co-Participation
    Vectors is created by students and primarily for students— they define the thematic focus and shape the program. Experts are involved to assess the depth of topics and provide valuable guidance, but the responsibility for content decisions remains with the panel organizers.
  • Collaboration
    The conference organizing committee is not limited to members of Shaninka. We aim to ensure that anyone from any university who shares our values and principles can propose a panel or join the team on equal terms.
  • Ethics
    We adhere to the principles of intellectual integrity and ethical academic communication. Every participant takes full responsibility for their research outcomes, regardless of experience or status, and commits to providing constructive feedback strictly within the framework of academic discussion.
  • Interdisciplinarity
    We bring together scholars from diverse fields within the social sciences and humanities, fostering their mutual enrichment through cross-disciplinary dialogue. We encourage academic intersections and the application of a wide range of research methodologies.
  • Critical Thinking
    We strive to overcome biases and rigidity, both within specific disciplines and in academic discourse as a whole. Our goal is to clearly articulate key research questions that panel organizers engage with, in order to discover new and multidimensional answers to longstanding but still relevant issues.
Organizing council: