XXIII International Conference of Young Scientists

10-13 April 2025
call for abstracts until February 28
call for abstracts results by March 10
The conference will take place from April 10 to April 13
shaninka, Gazetny Lane, 3-5, building 1
The world does not go from an unlimited amount of diversity to one definitive monolith. It goes from an unlimited number of differences to an unlimited number of differences.
– Teodor Shanin
The Vectors 2025 program includes 34 sections and one round table, covering social and political sciences, philosophy and anthropology, history and cultural studies, as well as psychology and contemporary critical theories.

This year's central theme: "Beyond is Always Given." Science should not simplify reality to fit it into myths. Yet myths exist, and it is useful to ask: what could be the common myth today? Is it still the concept of progress, or has something else taken its place? At this conference, we aim to engage with the complexity of reality—not by simplifying it, but by turning to "Beyond," which is always given. Here, diverse perspectives intersect, ideas are exchanged, and new meanings emerge.

This theme serves as a broad framework for the conference: it does not define the content of panels but sets the overall intellectual direction of the discussion. This year, we also mark a special occasion — Shaninka's 30th anniversary. To honor this milestone, the conference theme is inspired by Teodor Shanin’s article "Beyond is Always Given."
The program is divided into 9 thematic tracks:
  • Critical Theories
  • Political Philosophy
  • Culture and Religion
  • Matter and Technology
  • Education and Science
  • Milieu and Society
  • Political Science
  • History and Memory
  • Writing and Reading
This year, 113 students, alumni, and experts from 18 universities became panels’ organizers. These institutions include MSSES (Shaninka), EUSP, HSE University, SAS Tyumen State University, ITMO, St. Petersburg State University, RAS, Moscow State University, RSUH, RANEPA, and other leading universities in Russia.

The key speakers of Vectors 2025 will include invited academic experts and practitioners, executives from major companies, and representatives of top universities from Russia, the US, the UK, Germany, Israel, and other countries.

In addition to Shaninka's campus, the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center will serve as a venue for the conference.
Parallel Program:
In the lead-up to Vectors 2025, a series of satellite events will take place, aimed at developing professional competencies and soft skills for students, academic event organizers, and anyone interested in the advancement of public science:
School of Speakers
Lectures, discussions, and book presentations by past speakers and panel organizers
School of Organizers
Organizing council:
Shaninka, Gazetny Lane, 3-5, building 1
E-mail: vectors@universitas.ru