Format: on Shaninka campus and online Language: Russian, English Moderators: Grigory Dunilov (HSE student), Maxim Nikitin (Shaninka graduate, HSE postgraduate student), Ekaterina Mayukova (HSE student)
Educational inequality is a topic that has long been firmly established in the mainstream of international and Russian research. It manifests at all levels of education: from preschool to higher education, and is influenced by multiple factors. Educational inequality is closely linked to family background – children from high-income families have better learning conditions, while students from low-income families face a lack of resources and opportunities. Parents' education level, their involvement in their children's education process, and social interactions between parents are also significant. Place of residence and geographical location, including the type of settlement and distance from major cities, play an important role in access to education. Furthermore, the development of digital technologies and the digitalization of education, accelerated by the pandemic, add new aspects to the problem, revealing and exacerbating existing forms of inequality. Limited internet access, insufficient digital literacy, and infrastructure differences have intensified educational inequality between social groups and regions, especially in rural and remote areas.
Our section examines educational inequality in a broad context, analyzing its causes, manifestations, and consequences. Special attention is paid to studying how various social, territorial, and infrastructural factors contribute to the reproduction of inequality, as well as the role of digitalization in its transformation.
Among the main questions that will be addressed in the section: - What factors are associated with the differentiation of students' educational trajectories? Which groups face the greatest limitations, and what strategies are possible to reduce inequality? - At what levels does educational inequality manifest in Russia? - How do digital technologies change educational inequality? Does their use intensify existing social and regional differences in education, or conversely, weaken them? - State policy in education and its impact on inequality: how do state decisions in education contribute to or hinder the reduction of educational inequality?
The section welcomes research presentations dedicated to the above-mentioned and other aspects of digital inequality in education
Гетман, А. В., & Адамович, К. А. (2024). Региональные различия в доступе российских учащихся к дистанционному обучению в 2016–2022 гг.: эффекты периода COVID-19. Экономическая социология, 25(1), 96–116.
Лукина, А. А. (2023). Образовательные траектории студентов первого поколения как кейс неравенства в высшем образовании. Вопросы образования, (2), 133–160.
Малиновский, С. С., & Шибанова, Е. Ю. (2022). Доступность высшего образования в России: как превратить экспансию в равенство. Современная аналитика образования, 7(67).
Малиновский, С. С., & Шибанова, Е. Ю. (2023). Барьеры доступности высшего образования и социальные факторы дифференциации образовательных траекторий. Мониторинг экономики образования. Информационный бюллетень, 8(50).
Прахов, И. (2015). Барьеры доступак качественному высшему образованию в условиях ЕГЭ: семья и школа как сдерживающие факторы. Вопросы образования, (1), 88–117.
Хавенсон, Т., & Чиркина, Т. (2018). Эффективно поддерживаемое неравенство. Выбор образовательной траектории после 11‑го класса школы России. Экономическая социология, 19(5), 66–89.
Lareau, A. (2003). Unequal childhoods: Class, race, and family life. University of California Press.
Nunez, A. M., & Cuccaro-Alamin, S. (1998). First-generation students: Undergraduates whose parents never enrolled in postsecondary education. Statistical Analysis Report. Postsecondary Education Descriptive Analysis Reports.
Gladkova, A., & Ragnedda, M. (2020). Exploring digital inequalities in Russia: an interregional comparative analysis. Online Information Review, 44(4), 767-786.
Gladkova, A., Vartanova, E., & Ragnedda, M. (2020). Digital divide and digital capital in multiethnic Russian society. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 15(2), 126-147.
Gladkova, A., Ragnedda, M., & Vartanova, E. (2022). Tensions between digital inequalities and digital learning opportunities in Russian universities during the pandemic. First Monday.
Romanova, N. V., Sabirova, Z. E., & Sidorova, O. V. (2020). Digitalization of higher education in the context of information inequality. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1691(1).
Main topics
Social factors in the differentiation of educational trajectories at different levels of education.
Education and youth life paths: the family's role in decision-making.
State educational policy and its role in educational inequality.
Digital inequality as a new form of differentiation in educational opportunities.
Risks and limitations of AI technology use in the context of educational inequality.
The application form includes the name of the speaker, Institution, topic of the report and an abstract (up to 500 words). Participants should send these data to
Applications for participation in the conference will be accepted until 28 February.
*We have simplified the process of preparing the conference proceedings. To publish your work, please send an extended abstract to the email address of your panel's organizers and indicate your intention to publish in the email. Please note that submissions will undergo a selection process, more details at the following link.